Code Scribe

Contact Information

Thank you! You found your way to my website and now you are trying to contact me. That is something 90% of my family can't be bothered to do. Since you are so kind, here is a list of many different places you can find me.

If you came here expecting games, this is the link you want. My page is a work in progress but I expect it to grow significantly.

Play my games!


Email is the best way to contact me. I constantly monitor my email address and should be able to reply within a day. Please be sure to state who you are and provide a meaningful subject line. If I see an email with "My email" as the subject, there is no way I can take it seriously.

Send me an email!


Mastodon is essentially an open source Twitter. Powered by the Fediverse, it brings multiple server instances together. I am most active over there.

Follow me on the Fediverse!


GitLab is home to all of my code projects. Every program and game mentioned on this website has its source code published there. If you found a bug with any of my projects, please fill out an issue report. If you do not use GitLab, send an email and I will make a note to fix it.

View my code!


GitHub was home to many of my earliest projects. When Microsoft bought GitHub, I was one of many people in the free software community to make the journey to GitLab. I have a repository called "Farewell" with a note explaining my decision to move my code to another platform. Occasionally, I will star an interesting project or contribute to a project. My GitHub is very boring but you can check it out if that interests you.

View my code!